kl.onAction(Clicked offering Page) SoilBeat - Create action plans from soil and plant health data
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Product Features

SoilBeat is a multidimensional SaaS tool that can ease the day to day tasks of agronomic consultants, growers and even laboratories. Check out SoilBeat's endless product benefits down below! 

Take a closer look at the features of SoilBeat. Revolutionize your agronomy practices!  

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Data Collection & Aggregation

Effortlessly import and unify soil, plant, and field data from labs, pdfsm, spreadsheets, and field notes to analyze trends, reveal correlations, and easily compare fields.


Soil & Plant Health Analysis

See the full picture of nutrient dynamics of soil, plantsap measurements in various charts. Track historic trends, compare fields, monitor target values to make informed, data-backed nutrient management recommendations.


Communication & Collaboration

Stay on top of new data, completed tasks, and farmer questions – all in one place. Collaborate seamlessly with growers and colleagues.

Recommendation Building Tools 

Create detailed fertilizer, crop management, and pest control recommendations directly within the platform. These appear as an actionable task list for growers, simplifying collaboration and tracking progress.



Farm & Task Management 

Track all field actions on a timeline, fostering collaboration and driving data-driven adjustments. Whether your are an agronomist or a grower, keep track of your lan and recommendations.


Learning & Growth

Get clear, on-the-job explanations for interpreting complex measurements, sharpening your skills and decision-making. Train new professionals with the accumulation of an all-in-one platform.

Sample Plans

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